my one adorable debt from January
1 min readJun 2, 2021
…or nothing can be late!
Some sentences with idioms .
- Maria desired to go for a night on the town with her family, so they decided to have a ball all night and have fun using a luxury car!
- Children are going to throw a party so we need to warn them that it is bad to make noise after 21:00
- I am not a party animal but sometimes I think my cat is a party animal. He adores to make noise at my exam night.
- Diana really wanted to live it up but exams and debts fell in love with her
- As for me, I prefer to live in the fast lane!
I continue to prepare for tomorrow:
immediate family — ближайшие родственники
to obey — подчиняться
blended family — семья с разными детьми (из разных семей, как из блендера)
move in — съезжаться с кем-то
To take care of = to look after
to date smb = to go out with smb = to be seeing smb